Recent Media Appearances

Dr Davide Valeriani has been interviewed by Sky News about the potential of BCIs for augmenting human performance


Dr Davide Valeriani has been interviewed by BBC Essex regarding a recent publication co-authored with Dr Caterina Cinel and Prof Riccardo Poli: audio below

Dr Luca Citi and Dr Ana Matran-Fernandez have been interviewed by BBC CrowdScience: audio below and video here

Piece on the BrainStormers’s results on the University of Essex page: Article


Interview on BBC Radio 4’s “You & Yours” about Cybathlon: Podcast (Cybathlon starts at 20:58; interview with our team at 26:13)

BBC Radio 4

Interview on BBC Radio 4’s “You & Yours” about the BrainStormers: Podcast (the bit on Cybathlon starts at 20:34)

Interview on ITV Anglia about the Essex Brainstormers team competing in the Cybathlon 2016: Article with video


Interview by a group of independent journalists about the Essex Brainstormers: Article with video

See the website of the RoBoSAS (Robotics, BCI and Secure Adaptive Systems) project (in collaboration with NASA JPL) for many recent media appearances.

Older Media Appearances

  • AABAC (Adaptive Asynchronous Brain-Actuated Control) Project on The Sunday Telegraph (20.07.2008): Article with video
  • BCI Mouse project on The Engineer (26.02.2008): Article
  • Short piece in the New Scientist magazine (21.02.2007): Includes work by us and by our colleagues in the Netherlands. Article
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