Demo from the RoBoSAS Project

While at NASA JPL in the Summer 2012 working with Adrian Stoica, Riccardo Poli, Caterina Cinel and Francisco Sepulveda experimented with the real-time control of a simulated spacecraft using the brain signals from two users.

Here is the setup

The subject on the left is Riccardo. The subject on the right is Luis Clark, a student volunteer.
Here is a close-up of the simulator

The objective was to pass as close as possible to the planet (intermittently visible in white).
Here is a movie of one of the simulations

Other demos and information is available from the project’s web site.

Demo from the Analogue BCI Mouse Project

More information on the BCI Mouse project is available here. Contact Riccardo Poli, Francisco Sepulveda, Caterina Cinel or Luca Citi for additional information.

Demos from the AABAC Project (2006-2009)

Contact Dr. John Q.Gan or Dr. Sepulveda for more information on this project.



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